
Is on fashion to be ecological.
Everybody wants to be, especially the ones how make money from it!
Some weeks ago there was an action “A day without the plastic bag”. A special day in which the shops were not giving the normal, free, usual plastic bags to carry the shopping from the groceries’ stores.
Everybody wants to be, especially the ones how make money from it!
Some weeks ago there was an action “A day without the plastic bag”. A special day in which the shops were not giving the normal, free, usual plastic bags to carry the shopping from the groceries’ stores.
I did not even notice it. I probably wasn’t making shopping’s that day :-?A few days later, all the shops, from the whole country, came up with an idea: we do not give any more the free plastic bags for carrying the shopping’s. They are bad for environment!
But, the buyer has to carry his shopping’s…. so we will sell him plastic bag!!! The better plastic bag, the one with our trademark on it, the one that nobody wants to buy.
Good bye free plastic bag. Here is the new stylish, ecological synthetic bag.
PS: there was some discussions about some free paper bags. They were not enough ecological to motivate the shops to offer them for free…...others feel the same.... http://www.thepolitic.com/archives/2008/06/23/a-pictorial-history-of-enviro-mentalism
Bineinteles ca punga de plastic mai ecologica sau mai putin ecologica nu cred ca exista,inca nu am vazut studii despre asta,insa e adevarat ca se abuza de pungi in supermarketuri,eu una cred ca ar trebui sa se aibe mai multa grija cu asta,e drept ca te enervezi cand trebuie sa platesti punga,dar in felul asta cred ca ne si ajuta la "criza" ca ne controlam mai bine cumparaturile.Asa ca adevarul e undeva la mijloc,eu chiar am inceput sa umblu cu punga din textil dupa mine, nu e chiar asa de greu si de multe ori m-a salvat.
RăspundețiȘtergereMa enerveaza in general faptul ca trebuie sa platesc punga pentru cumparaturi.
RăspundețiȘtergerePrin faptul ca eu cumpar produsele dintr-un magazin, ii generez magazinului profit, iar asteptarea (pretentia) mea de la magazinul respectiv este sa imi ofere macar o punga gratis in care sa imi car cumparaturile.
Acuma, pungile de plastic sunt intr-adevar nocive si poluante, de aceea accept bucuroasa o punga din hartie, dar GRATIS.
Magazinele ce au facut, au scos pungile de plastic - pe care le ofereau gratis - si au introdus pungi de hartie, pe bani.
Au profitat de schimbare, intelegandu-se intre ele, lanturile mari de magazine, ca sa puna la plata pungii clientul.
Din pacate singura alternativa este sa apara pe piata un lant de magazine, care v-a dori sa isi atraga clientii punandu-le la dispozitie pungi (de hartie) gratuite.
Ulterior si celelalte magazine vor face la fel.
Alte lanturi de magazine - de haine de exemplu - au introdus pungile de hartie cu mult timp inainte, insa fara ai pune pe clienti sa plateasca costul lor.